Blog » 2023 Peppercorn Hill Community Fund grant applications now open

2023 Peppercorn Hill Community Fund grant applications now open

2023 Peppercorn Hill Community Fund grant applications now open

August 2023 in Events & Local Area

In what is sure to be good news for local community groups, this week saw the launch of the 2023 Peppercorn Hill Community Fund.

For the second year running eligible not-for-profit organisations operating in and around Donnybrook, Woodstock, Wollert and Craigieburn can apply for grants of $1,500, which will be assessed by an independent judging panel.

The Dennis Family Corporation has successfully operated Community Funds across its residential estates both in Victoria and Southeast Queensland since 2002. To date it has distributed more than $1 million in grants, providing financial support to hundreds of local not-for-profit groups.

“We’re a family-owned company and we’re proud to continue our support of local communities by providing financial assistance in areas where we operate our business. Last year the inaugural Peppercorn Hill Community Fund awarded $22,500 to 15 local organisations. Our presentation nights are a highlight for us and the many not-for-profit groups we were able to assist, and we’re really looking forward to rolling out the program again this year, “says Dennis Family Corporation’s Marketing Manager, Melissa Munro.

Numbering amongst last year’s successful applicants was the Craigieburn based, not-for-profit Helping Hand Animal Rescue. For the organisation’s Heidi Still, the $1,500 grant has proven invaluable in terms of supporting the Group’s animal rescue work.

“As Helping Hands Animal Rescue is run completely by volunteers and funded solely by donations and fundraising, two of the biggest challenges we face are ensuring that we have enough funding to continue rescuing and rehabilitating injured, orphaned and displaced local wildlife, and raising community awareness about the critical work we do. At any one point in time, we might typically find ourselves looking after upwards of 100 animals! So, contributions like last year’s generous grant from Dennis Family Corporation are vital and provide us with much needed funds to continue making this possible, and ensure that future generations can enjoy our precious wildlife,” she says.

Ms Munro encourages any groups who missed out on a grant in 2022 to make sure they lodge an application this year.

To do so, eligible not-for-profit groups simply need complete an online application form by 5.00pm Friday, 15 September 2023. Applications will be assessed in late September, with all applicants notified in early October once a decision has been reached. All successful applicants will also be invited to the presentation evening in mid-October.

For eligibility criteria and how to apply click on the following link:


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